

Olaf Wüllenrath - Your EXPERIENCED Partner

With a lot of expertise and joy in technical solutions

The focus of my work has been in the telecommunications and IT industry for 30 years.

As a graduate statistician with a focus on computer science, I started early in the global project business for international carriers at Digital Equipment (DEC).

For my employer I developed telco products and coordinated company-wide billing. I represented the company in multilateral interest groups and designed interfaces.

With this experience I started my own business in 1999 and founded erweCon GmbH.

Since then, companies in the telecommunications market with a wide variety of issues have been among my customers. Every project and every customer is a new challenge with its different goals.

Since 2000, in addition to the project business, I have also been available as a publicly appointed and sworn expert for telecommunications in the area of ​​connection price calculation. In this function, I carry out the annual test according to TKG §63 (formerly §45g) for a customer base.